Hockinson High School Attendance Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360-448-6451
Every day is an important one at Hockinson High School. Good attendance is vital to the success of each student.
If your child will be absent from school, please call our attendance line (360-448-6451) as early in the day as possible. When calling, state your name, student’s name, and the reason for the absence. When your student returns to school after an absence, state law and board policy requires that he/she bring a note from home, signed by a parent or guardian, stating the date and reason for the absence. The note must include current date, date of absence, reason for absence, and parent or guardian signature. If a student is ill for three days or more, a note from a physician must accompany the note from home.
Please keep in mind that a parent’s note is not the only determining factor in whether the student’s absence is excused or unexcused. An excused absence is granted for a student’s illness, health care appointment, suspension, school related activities, or if the absence is pre-arranged by parent request. It is the student’s responsibility to make up work when absent
An athlete must attend school ALL DAY in order to participate in the same day's athletic contest or practice. Therefore, if a student is absent for ANY period of the day, he/she cannot participate in that day's athletics. (This requirement may be waived by the athletic director for a prearranged medical reason. A doctor's note is required upon the students return.)
The school office should be notified at least seven school days prior to any planned absence. A Pre-Arranged Absence Request Form is available in the school office or can be downloaded HERE. Parents or guardians must complete the required information; the form is then submitted to each teacher and the principal for approval. It is the responsibility of the student to make-up any work missed while gone from school.
Students who need to leave school during the day must be signed out by a parent or guardian in the school office. We must have written or verbal approval from the parent or guardian if someone else picks up the student from school.
If you have any questions regarding our attendance policies and procedures, please call our office at 360-448-6451.